About School

KALYAN SCHOOL provides classes for 1st standard to 8th standards and follows the syllabus as per CBSE norms with Malayalam and Tamil as optional languages. We are sworn to keep a stress free and entertaining ambience for children and have manipulated our own style of teaching.

We are sworn to keep a stress free and entertaining ambience for children and have manipulated our own style of teaching. Our cordial approach lets the children learn through fun and activities. We give emphasis on teaching with the aid of pictures and make use of internet facility too. Also, we take uncompromising efforts to give ample care for each student and strictly follow 1:10 teacher to student ratio. Moreover there will be 3 tutors per class – 1 teacher, 1 support teacher and 1 special educator, ensuring the care for each student and the special attention for those who are needy.

At Kalyan, your children learn in the midst of fun. The ample freedom and the entertaining way of teaching make the students “Think Better, Learn Faster and Relaxed and Contented”. We believe ‘Education is not confined to academics’ and take same kind of efforts’ to develop General Knowledge, soft skills, artistic skills and sporting talents of our students. On a daily basis we conduct extra-curricular activities where children participate and indulge in quiz, music, dance, sports and other artistic and cultural programs. Monthly cultural events, sports day, study field trips, exhibitions etc. form part for the curriculum