
Vitiligo or Leukoderma as it is often known is characterized by white patches all over the body and scalp. It is caused by loss of melanin pigments (melanocytes) that is responsible for the skin colour. It usually begins in the form of a small white patch but over a period of time may spread to the entire body. Though it is a non-infectious disease it is associated with lot of social stigma and may have a psychological impact.

In Ayurveda vitiligo is termed as switra or kilasa.The three varieties of switra are vatika paithika and kaphaja showing the features of vitiation of vata, pitta and kapha respectively.

In vata predominant switra the affected skin will be dry and light red in colour.Skin in pitta predominant switra will be coppery red in colour with burning sensation and scanty hairs.Kapha predominant switra presents with thick white skin often with itching.

Switra involves rakta,mamsa and medo dhatus.Switra is a non infectious, non exudative affection involving mainly skin.The disease becomes incurable very quickly. Also it requires extensive and long term treatment. Ayurveda insists on early management of this condition as it spreads like forest fire.


Various treatment options are available but it has been very difficult to treat this completely. Ayurveda is by far considered to be the safest and best option as it provides a holistic approach by treating the disease rather than treating the symptoms. It helps in correcting the body’s metabolism and in turn improving body’s immunity. It also helps in cleansing and purifying blood and thus restores the skin colour. It not only remedies but also arrests the spread and recurrence of the diseases.


It is a chronic skin disease that is characterized by dry skin, red and scaly patches. It is considered to be an autoimmune disease meaning that the immune system of the body works against its own body tissues. It is a non infectious disease but may have a negative impact on certain organs in the body.


There are different types of psoriasis which are as follows:

From an Ayurvedic perspective, Psoriasis is caused due to the vitiation of Vata, Kapha, raktha and subsequent accumulation of toxins in the blood. Panchakarma is a preferred method of treatment that helps in eliminating toxins and purifying the blood. It consists of Apart from these we may suggest


Urticaria or Hives is a skin disorder that is characterized by rashes on the skin accompanied by severe itching. In today’s world we are all very conscious of the way we look, especially our skin. As such appearance of these hives affects us not just physically but also mentally.

In Ayurveda, Urticaria is known as Sheeta Pitta. The two dosha’s ‘Vatta’ and ‘Kapha’ are disturbed. In combination with ‘Pitta’ it causes redness, swelling and itching of the skin. It is classified as

Acute Urticaria- in this case the symptoms develop suddenly and last for a short time usually less than six weeks. It is caused by insect bites, certain food products, medications or infections. They respond well to antihistamines.

Chronic Urticaria- in this case the symptoms last for a longer duration. It is usually triggered by allergy or factors such as taking a cold bath immediately after exercise, exposure to cold wind etc


Urticaria can be successfullly managed through the age old science of Ayurveda. In Ayurveda the focus is on balancing the ‘Tridoshas’ (Vata, Kapha, Pitta). This is done through the following methods


The ayurvedic term for dandruff is Daranakam. It is a disease of the scalp. Daranakam is a disease predominant in vata and kapha with pitta dandruff treatmentrakta anubandha. Even though it seems to be a skin problem, its pathology involves disturbunces of agni, doshas and dhatus and thereby interfering metabolism. Hence treatment requires shodhana, samana and rasayana.


Proper Treatment can alleviate dandruff. The correct choice of remedies and treatment plan is purely a matter of experience and right judgement by physician.


Scabies is a skin condition that is caused by a small mite (Sarcoptes scabie). It is contagious. It is caused when the mite associates itself with the human skin and lays eggs which hatch to form adult mites. As such the symptoms lasts for months or even years. It causes severe itching. It spreads through physical contact. It takes around 2-6 weeks for symptoms to appear after getting infested


It is essential to get advice from an expert because treatment requires prescribed medications. Ayurvedic treatment has proved to be effective in the treatment of Scabies.