Dr. Palpu College of Arts and Science is a self-financing Institute affiliated to the University of Kerala and is managed by Sree Narayana Trust, Vamanapuram. This Adobe of Higher Education is named after Dr. Padmanabhan Palpu, LMS, DPH (Cantab) FRIPH (London) (2 November 1863 – 25 January 1950) who was a mighty warrior of Indian Renaissance whom Sarojini Naidu once very aptly described as one of the immortal of the great Indian Revolutionaries. Dr. Palpu set himself to the noble task of liberating the masses from the caste tyrannies and the associated evils and thus was instrumental in the formation of SNDP Yogam in 1903, which had as its first President Sree Narayana Guru. His association with the great Guru was strong, deep and a blessed one.
Dr. Palpu was by profession a medical practitioner and a bacteriologist- a fighter against germs. Circumstance made him a social revolutionary- a fighter against social evils. He was fully aware of the prime significance of education as a method of socio- economic advancement and also as a means to improve health and hygiene. Towards this end, Dr. Palpu waged a long, heroic and selfless battle, with his mighty pen and stood apart as an apostle of liberty and an unfailing champion of the oppressed classes. As a social reformer Dr. Palpu was a strong believer in the principles of Dharma- The Eternal Law of the Cosmos.
Dharma knows only One Caste
And it tends only One Religion
That Dharma is our one God
The Premier Institute of Higher Education aims to impart Quality Education to the Deserving and thus making them humane, law- abiding and responsible citizen of this great Nation.